All students have to pass the Airlaw exam to become Pilots, but it is difficult to remember all the rules and regulations while still learning. Of course all of the laws are important, but some you will use quicker than others. Here are some of the rules that a student needs to be aware of, immediately they start flying solo… Always keep up to date with all Airlaw.
Low flying prohibitions :Failure of power unit
An aircraft will not be flown below such a height as would enable it , in event of a power unit failure, to make an emergency landing without causing danger to persons or property on the surface.
Low flying prohibitions : The 500 feet rule
Except with the permission in writing of the CAA, an aircraft shall not be flown closer than 500 feet to any other person, vessel, vehicle or structure.
Low flying prohibitions : The 1000 feet rule
Except with the permission in writing of the CAA, an aircraft flying over a congested area of a city town or settlement shall not fly below a height of 1,000 feet above the highest fixed obstacle within a horizontal radius of 600 metres of the aircraft
Low flying prohibitions : The land clear rule
An aircraft flying over a congested area of a city town or settlement shall not fly below such height as will permit, in the event of a power unit failure, the aircraft to land clear of the congested area.