The European Aviation Safety Agency is the centrepiece of the European Union’s strategy for aviation safety. Its mission is to promote the highest common standards of safety and environmental protection in civil aviation. The Agency develops common safety and environmental rules at the European level.
The ANO provides the foundation for a simpler and more proportionate approach to the regulation of many GA activities that fall under national (and not European) regulation.
European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
Was established 2002 and has over 800 Aviation experts and administrators. The headquarters are in cologne, and they have an office in Cologne
LINK to the main site for more information
- Ensure the highest common level of safety protection for EU citizens
- Ensure the highest common level of environmental protection
- Single regulatory and certification process among Member States
- Facilitate the internal aviation single market & create a level playing field
- Work with other international aviation organisations & regulators
- Draft implementing rules in all fields pertinent to the EASA mission
- Certify & approve products and organisations, in fields where EASA has exclusive competence (e.g. airworthiness)
- Provide oversight and support to Member States in fields where EASA has shared competence (e.g. Air Operations , Air Traffic Management)
- Promote the use of European and worldwide standards
- Cooperate with international actors in order to achieve the highest safety level for EU citizens globally (e.g. EU safety list, Third Country Operators authorisations)
The ANO forms the legal basis for almost all areas of civil aviation that are regulated at national level. The new ANO came into force in August 2016, and replaced the pre-existing ANO 2009.
Here are some links to some relevant documentation:
Definition and explanation of what the ANO is: LINK
The definitive document where all aspects of the order can be viewed: LINK