Cross Country
Cross Country
When i was sent on my sent on my second country, i went to East Fortune. I had spent all my time getting worked up about the navigation, I gave no thought to the details of the airfield i was flying to. I was used to Perth Air/Ground, where there is nearly always someone on the radio, who would give me the airfield information.
Anyway, i got to East Fortune, and had no idea what the relative height of the airfield was, runway numbers, or what the circuit direction was. I called East Fortune traffic, but got no response. I knew it was a 500ft circuit, and i remember randomly turning the altimeter, with no real idea what i was doing. I ended up doing about a 250ft circuit, over the scrapyard and getting it down was more luck than judgement.
That was a lesson learned… and ever since i have made sure i know where I am heading, and that is why i have created the “Knee-Cards” for my Ozee suit for all the local airfields, giving me all the info. You can see/download these HERE
I Actually Go-Pro’d it… (Embarrasingly :-)) Looking back – so much wrong – landed long – bar full out far too early… You can see the relief as i turned the corner 🙂