Human Performance and Limitations Exam


#1. Rapid breathing and tingling in the finger tips are signs of:

Sorry – Wrong answer Ref Page 97 – Cosgrove 8th Edition

#2. If a student pilot feels that an instructor has made an incorrect assesment of a situation they should:

Sorry – Wrong answer  Ref Page 105 Cosgrove 8th Edition

#3. Suffering from Epilepsy would preclude a pilot from flying:

Sorry – Wrong answer. Please see CAA website LINK

#4. Flying into cloud or areas of poor visibility can lead to:

Sorry – Wrong answer  Ref Page 102 Cosgrove 8th Edition

#5. Vertigo is:

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#6. The amount of alcohol allowed in the blood of a pilot is:

Sorry – Wrong answer  Ref Page 100 of Cosgrove 8th Edition

#7. Your passenger burns his elbow on the exhaust of your aircraft. You should:

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#8. If looked into a featureless sky the eyes will tend to focus on a point:

Sorry – Wrong answer   Ref Page 101 Cosgrove 8th Edition

#9. A pilot with low stress level is:

Sorry – Wrong answer  Ref Page 105 Cosgrove 8th Edition

#10. Smokers who smoke 20 cigarettes a day will be able to absorb less oxygen than non smokers.

Sorry – Wrong answer   Ref Page 97 Cosgrove 8th Edition

#11. Effective lookout is best achieved by:

Sorry – Wrong answer   Ref Page 103 Cosgrove 8th Edition

#12. Moving aircraft are more difficult to see if they:

Sorry – Wrong answer   Ref Page 102 Cosgrove 8th Edition

#13. If suffering from a head cold, a pilot should:

Sorry – Wrong answer  Ref Page 98 Cosgrove 8th Edition

#14. Barotrauma in flight results from changes in:

Sorry – Wrong answer   Ref Page 98 Cosgrove 8th Edition

#15. Adrenaline can sometimes cause:

Sorry – Wrong answer  Ref Page 104 Cosgrove 8th Edition


Books to read: Brian Cosgrove (8th Edition)

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