Eccles Newton
Radio Callsign Eccles Traffic
Radio Type SafetyCom
OHJ Height 2000 ft
Circuit Height 700 ft
Surface Grass
Runways 23R - 05L (350m)
Height above MSL Unknown
Mb Difference Unknown
PPR Required Yes
PPR Number Unknown
Landing Fee Unknown
Fuel No
Food No
Hangarage No
Eccles Newton is a brand new farm strip north of the Tweed near Coldstream in the Scottish Borders. Gary Burns (Farmer) is having a fly in on Saturday the 1st of July 2017 including a BBQ.
The strip is 350m x 18m long so only aircraft with STOL capability will get in. There will be two taxiways up to the farm where the parking area is. The west taxiway will be for flexwing only and the east taxiway for fixed wing. Please note the east taxiway is only 36ft wide so advisable that fixed wing wingspans should be no more than 32ft wide to get to the parking area. There is no taxi way adjacent to strip so please allow aircraft to vacate runway prior to landing. If using 05 there is a small road adjacent to the threshold, please keep an eye out for any high sided vehicles which may appear from behind a small copse on final.
Circuits to the NORTH at 700ft QFE

4ft Hedge at west end of strip, very very slight down gradient on 05, strip very firm with short grass, air-sock on threshhold of 23