I have been checking and one of the plugins i have has caused a lot of problems on the site. Although it still works, i need to get rid of it, as the developers now charge a lot of money every year. So i need to reprogram all the airfield sites to a new profile without a plugin. I have started with Dornoch and Easter, so if you are interested – have a look, see if it’s of any interest or if you think it can be improved. I have checked it on a tablet and a phone, and seems ok.
Now i just need to do all the other airfields —- jessus – thats gonna be a winters worth or work 🙁
I have changed my thoughts a couple of times now – i started it when airfieldcards.com was dying and never getting updated. I sepent a lot of work (and money) building up all the scottish airields, and then started to get requestes for airfields down south so it expanded. Then Vince revived the airfieldcards.com site and made it a lot better, so i backed off – no point in doing it twice – and Vince’s was better than mine. Then vince pulled the plug again and it’s now been off for over a year, which is a shame.